Hey, I’m Calvin. I’ve been hunting and fishing all my life, and now I’m building a business around it.
Are you someone who loves hunting and fishing too?
I thought so.
Whether you’re looking to learn more about specific strategies or just be around like-minded people, the Rugged Writer community is for you.
Maybe you’re looking to turn your passion for hunting and fishing into a business.
That’s what I’m doing. And I want to share my experiences with you to help you achieve your goals.
Whether you want to create outdoor products, write blogs for outdoor companies, or create short-form videos for outdoor brands, I’m here to guide you along.
Ready To Learn More?
Build Your Outdoor Business
I’ve started from scratch and built my own outdoor business that I work on full time. I want to help you do the same and get outdoors more!
The Rugged Writer Blog is where I (somewhat) consistently post about how to do various outdoor activities and how to grow your own outdoor business. Check it out below!