Blue Feather Torch is an awesome oxy-acetylene torch manufacturer in Two Harbors Minnesota.
I have worked with them since the launch of their business, helping in a variety of places.
Website Copy
Their website has been an iterative project, with many collaborators helping write. Over the past 12 months, I have taken control of the website writing, to help guide customers on a journey and help them learn more about their products.
Product Descriptions
Blue Feather Torch offers a range of products at premium price points. At that level, customers expect to have a ton of information in an easy-to-read way. That has been the goal with the descriptions I wrote.
To help with their SEO rankings and inform their customers, Blue Feather Torch recently had me start writing blogs for them. Using videos they made, I turned their content into long-form written blogs for their site.
You can check out their site in detail by clicking the button below:
TikTok has been one of the most exciting places to market for Blue Feather Torch. I repurposed content into short-form video and over the course of 1 month grew their account from nothing to over 1200 followers, 500,000+ views, and multiple product sales.